Franz/Philen TRUST Fund

The Paul M. Franz and Charlotte H. Philen Historical Observance - Memorial Trust Fund (or Franz/Philen Trust Fund) supports the Wilderness Road State Park / Raid at Martin's Station. During the annual re-enactment of the Raid on Martin's Station, the SAR flag is flown at the Wilderness Road State Park and the Virginia Society leads the opening program.

Trust Fund Committee

  • Tim Dioquono (Chair; Fairfax Resolves); [email protected]
  • Frederick N. "Rick" Elofson (Thomas Nelson Jr.)
  • Eric Monday, Esq. (Fincastle Resolutions)

Donations to the Memorial Trust Fund

Virginia SAR compatriots and the general public are encouraged to support the Franz/Philen Fund. Your contributions to this endowment fund enrich the SAR support for the Raid at Martin's Station re-enactment program and historical observances enjoyed by the general public.

State-level donations designated to benefit the Youth Video Contest shall be given a rank in the Virginia Society First Virginia Regiment, based on the level of the contribution.
