General William Campbell Chapter SARThe General William Campbell Chapter SAR was chartered in February 17, 1990 and is one of seven chapters in the Frontier Region. Proudly serving compatriots and the communities near the Town of Abingdon, which is home to The Abingdon Muster Grounds, the location where a volunteer militia mustered September 24, 1780, before joining the Revolutionary War. The Muster Grounds serve as the northern trailhead for the Overmountain Victory Trail, a 330-mile National Historic Trail. The trail traces the route used by patriot militia during the pivotal Kings Mountain campaign of 1780, which helped decide the outcome of the Revolutionary War. Our chapter honors the name of General William Campbell (SAR Patriot P-128056), a signer of the Fincastle Resolutions, and who‘s fame grew as “the bloody tyrant of Washington County” as he led his militia to victory at the Battle of King‘s Mountain. The chapter has received numerous honors from the National Society at recent Annual Congress awards banquet to include:
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