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Chapters celebrate President Day's Weekend

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Feb. 15, 2025)—A joint SAR–DAR wreath laying ceremony was held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House Burial Ground, following by the 2025 George Washington Birthday Parade, held in downtown Alexandria.

More than 50 attendees braved the rain during the wreath laying ceremony and parade including newly inducted Virginia SAR President Michael Weyler, along with Virginia Society Children of the American Revolution (V.S.C.A.R.) State President Sarah Terpenning, SAR Secretary General Michael J. Elston, Virginia SAR Color Guard Commander Brett Osborn flanked by the Virginia SAR Color Guard in colonial attire, with numerous SAR chapter officers and compatriots from George Washington Chapter, George Mason Chapter, Fairfax Resolves Chapter, Col. William Grayson Chapter, Col. James Wood II Chapter, Sgt. Maj. John Champe Chapter, along with National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) chapters, including wreath-laying ceremony co-hosts, the Kate Waller Barrett Chapter, NSDAR; along with John Alexander Chapter, NSDAR; and the Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter, NSDAR, and members of local V.S.C.A.R. societies.

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A Hero's Welcome: Virginia SAR and Honor Guards Unite at Dulles

Virginia SAR Compatriots Welcome Veterans with Honor and Respect at Dulles International Airport

(Dulles, Va. - August 28, 2024) — The Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution (Virginia SAR) compatriots from three chapters came together to extend a warm and patriotic welcome to 117 veterans arriving on a Chicago Honor Flight at Dulles International Airport. The event was a heartfelt tribute to the brave men and women who served in the Korean and Vietnam wars.

As the veterans disembarked from the People Movers and transitioned to waiting buses, the SAR team consisting of members of Sgt Maj John Champe, Col James Wood II, and Fairfax Resolves chapters proudly presented the colors, creating a striking and respectful display. The veterans, representing all branches of the military—ten from the USAF, 80 from the Army, seven Marines, and 20 from the Navy—were visibly moved by the honor and recognition bestowed upon them.

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James Poplar: When history comes full circle

Growing up in rural Maryland in the 1960s, while hunting, I frequently encountered abandoned farms and homesteads due to the encroachment of housing developments brought on by the post-World War II baby boom. Often, their structures were virtual time capsules and contained artifacts left in place by the previous owners.

To the chagrin of my friends, I would frequently spend more time exploring these buildings rather than beating the bushes for a rabbit or covey of quail.

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Col James Wood II Chapter comemorates the Battle of the Cowpens

photo is the color guard presenting the colors, l. to r. Michael Wilson, Richard Tyler, Paul Christensen and Jim Cordes (photo courtesy of Stacey Bassett.

On 13 January 2024, Colonel James Wood II Chapter conducted a commemoration ceremony commemorate the  Battle of Cowpens.  The battle was fought 17 January 1781 at a field in South Carolina known as the Cowpens.  General Daniel Morgan led the colonial forces against Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton and his elite regiment of the British Army.  Morgan and Tarleton came from different backgrounds.  Morgan lived his life as a frontiersman, preferring the homespun clothes of the militia rather than an officer’s uniform.  He commanded respect and understood his men.  Tarleton, was raised in relative affluence in Liverpool, England, where his father was mayor.  He attended oxford University and was known for his athletic ability.  He wasted his inheritance and eventually purchased a commission in the British Army.  Morgan knew Tarleton was an aggressive, ruthless foe and the night before the battle, he moved among his men speaking to groups and individuals.  A true leader, he knew how to fight and motivate his men.  The result of the battle was devastating to Tarleton's force, resulting in 100 killed, 229 wounded, 600 captured.  This victory marked the beginning of the end of the British plan to conquer the South.   The ceremony was emcee'd by Marc Robinson with compatriots from the Colonel James Wood II, Colonel William Grayson, George Mason, Sgt Maj John Champe Virginia SAR Chapters; Sgt Lawrence Everhart Chapter, Maryland SAR; Fort Loudoun and Ketoctin Virginia DAR; Lawrence Augustus Washington;  and Providence Children of the American Revolution Societies and the Order of Founders and Patriots of America.   Virginia Society 1st Vice President William Greaf and Virginia DAR/SAR Liaison Kecia Brown presented greetings.  After a presentation of the colors, Robinson provided a presentation on the battle and wreaths were presented by the organizations.  The wreath presenters included from the SAR, William Greaf, VASSAR; Thomas "Chip" Daniel, Col James Wood II; Ken Morris, George Mason; William Schetke, Culpeper Minutemen, Jim Cordes, Fairfax Resolves; Michael Wilson, Col William Grayson, Ken Bonner, Sgt Maj John Champe and Gerald Harris, Sgt Lawrence Everhart.    From the DAR, Kecia Brown, Virginia DAR/SAR Liaison; Vice Regent Elizabeth Greaf, Regent Susan Lauer, Fort Loudoun; Regent Stacey Bassett, Ketoctin; Jodell Wilson, Providence.  From the C.A.R. William Collins, Lawrence Augustus Washington and Jocelynn Wilson, Providence Society.  They were followed by Doug Hall, Order of the Founders and Patriots of America.  A musket squad led by Commander Brett Osborn and Vice Commander Ken Bonner comprised of 11 compatriots fired a three round salute in honor of Daniel Morgan and his decisive victory over the British at the Battle of the Cowpens.   Additional ompatriots who participated included Brian Bayliss, Sean Carrigan, Paul Christensen, Rick Collins, Jim Cordes, Dale Corey, Dennis Parmerter, Tom Reed, Will Reynolds, Richard Tyler, Mike Weyler and Ryan Williams. 

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Sgt Maj John Champe Chapter joins NSDAR in Bench Dedication


On Saturday, 23 OCT 2022, the Sgt Maj John Champe and Fairfax Resolves Chapters provided color guard for the Lanes Mill Chapter NSDAR dedication of a Trex® bench at St John's Episcopal Church in Centreville. St John's is a historic church located in the Centreville Historic District.

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Fairfax Resolves Chapter Honors Law Enforcement

The Fairfax Resolves honored public service at the chapter meeting on October 23.  Law Enforcement Medals and Commendations were presented to Captain Tu Farhan of the Vienna Police Department and Captain Steve Elbert of the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Department. 

Captain Farhan has been a member of the Vienna Police Department since 2000. His citation notes that “during his tenure Captain Farhan has excelled as an Officer, Detective, Supervisor and now he is helping to lead the agency as a Captain. He continually challenges himself and others to improve

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SAR Float awarded MOST CREATIVE by Kiwanis Club of Leesburg


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On 8 October 2022, the Colonel James Wood II Chapter of the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution, participated in the Apple Festival held at Mount Jackson.  The festival has arts and crafts, food, music, and other activities for the community.  The SAR set up a display table with items from the colonial era in Virginia.  Compatriots told visitors about the Sons of the American Revolution and colonial living in the Shenandoah Valley from 1750 - 1800.   Participating in the chapter were Erick Moore, Patrick Moore, Dennis Parmerter, and Will Reynolds.  Georganna Moore gave presentations on making corn husk dolls. 

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